St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
A Parish of the Moscow Patriarchate
Reading, Pennsylvania Founded in 1905
/ News / Archived News / 2019
2019.12.26: Children’s Nativity Concert

Please join us for the children's Nativity concert on Sunday, January 12, 2020, following Liturgy. Please see Svitlana Breniser or Irena Kaulback with any questions.

2019.12.22: St. Nicholas Celebration Photos

Photos from the celebration of our Patronal Feast are available on Flickr:

2019.12.10: Patronal Feast Day

Please join us to celebrate our Patronal Feast Day!

  • Thursday, December 19, 2019
    • 8:30 a.m. - Akaphist to St. Nicholas
    • 9:00 a.m. - Divine Liturgy
  • Sunday, December 22, 2019
    • 8:30 a.m. - Akaphist to St. Nicholas
    • 9:00 a.m. - Divine Liturgy
    • Following Liturgy - St. Nicholas dinner
2019.12.08: Church Kiosk

Please keep the church kiosk in mind when looking for gifts for family and friends. In the past year, many new items have been added to the church kiosk including prayer books, Psalter books, children’s books, Icons, Cross necklaces, ornaments, and a variety of gift items. All the sales benefit our church. Thank you!

2019.12.05: Donations for Students in the Reading School District

Our parish is collecting donations of food for high school students in the Reading School District who are living in poverty. The students attend the school where Niki Salaneck Lawrence teaches. There will be a collection bin in the church hall through December 15, 2019. Thank you for your participation in this charitable activity that supports our local community!

Here is the list of needed items:

  • Cereal or Nutri-Grain bars
  • Oatmeal packets
  • Granola bars
  • Protein bars
  • Fruit snacks
  • Fruit cups
  • Pudding cups
  • Other individually packaged snacks (crackers, nuts, trail mix, pretzels, etc.)
  • Ramen Cup Noodles
  • Canned or single serving soups
  • Canned or single serving spaghetti
  • Hot chocolate packets
  • Capri Sun or similar drinks that do not require refrigeration
2019.11.29: Calendars and Offering Envelopes

Calendars and offering envelopes for 2020 are available at the candle stand.

2019.11.24: Children’s Bake Sale Update

The children's bake sale raised $200 for the Children's Home of Reading. Thank you to all the children who helped bake desserts and sell them during coffee hour last weekend! Here are some photos of this event.

2019.11.04: Psalter Prayer Group

Our parish is organizing a Psalter prayer group again for the Nativity Fast. If you have not participated in the past, this is how it works. Each person is assigned a different kathisma to start. Each person reads one kathisma each day in sequential order, along with opening and closing prayers and prayers for the living and departed. Between the group, the entire Psalter is read each day.

If you are interested in participating, please see Yelena Vdov. You will need to provide her with your baptismal name and 10 names for the prayer list (living or departed).

2019.11.04: Food Sales/Sisterhood Meeting

On Sunday, November 24, 2019, following Liturgy, a meeting will be held to discuss food sales and reestablishing the sisterhood. All women of the parish who are interested in volunteering are encouraged to attend.

2019.11.03: AmazonSmile and ShopWithScrip Fundraisers

If you missed coffee hour today, here is the information on these fundraisers that support our parish:

AmazonSmile Instructions

About ShopWithScrip

2019.10.31: AmazonSmile and ShopWithScrip Fundraisers

On Sunday, November 3, 2019, at coffee hour, there will be a short tutorial on these fundraisers that support our parish:

  • Instructions and help will be provided to any parishioners who shop at Amazon but are not yet set up with AmazonSmile. Please have your account credentials and password available.
  • An explanation will be given on how the ShopWithScrip fundraiser works and how you can participate.
2019.10.27: Children’s Bake Sale

Our parish is organizing a children's baking session and bake sale to benefit a local charity, the Children's Home of Reading. On Saturday, November 16, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. All children of the parish are invited to help bake desserts in the church hall. The desserts will be sold at coffee hour on Sunday, November 17, 2019. Please see Anastasia Salaneck if your children would like to participate.

2019.10.17: Fundraiser Luncheon

A fundraiser luncheon will be held on Sunday, October 20, 2019, following Liturgy. Please make an effort to come and support our parish, and to enjoy some good food and fellowship. Invite your friends and family, too!

2019.10.06: Orthodox Pilgrimage Tours

At the recent Convocation of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, it was announced that two pilgrimage tours will be organized in 2020 as part of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Patriarchal Parishes. All parishioners are welcome to participate. More information about the tours is available here.

2019.09.08: Church Kiosk

In the past year, many new items have been added to the church kiosk. All the sales benefit our church.

We invite you to visit the kiosk to browse our new items including prayer books, Psalter books, children's books, Icons, Cross necklaces, and a variety of gift items. Please keep the kiosk in mind when looking for gifts for family and friends.

If there are specific items or books that you would like to request, please see Alexandra Salaneck or Anastasia Salaneck, or email us. Thank you!

2019.09.05: Carpeting Project

In a few weeks, new carpeting will be installed in the Altar. This will complete the flooring projects upstairs in the church.

If you are able to help, please consider donating to this project. For those who cannot make it to church but would like to contribute, donations can be mailed or sent through the website (a small transaction fee is charged to the church). Thank you!

2019.09.01: Sunday School

Sunday school lessons for the 2019-2020 school year will begin on Sunday, September 8, 2019.

Please see Anastasia Salaneck with any questions. We look forward to continuing the Sunday school program at our parish!

2019.08.29: Picnic

The annual church picnic will be held following Liturgy on Sunday, September 22, 2019, at Breneman Park pavilion, 2914 Reedy Road, Sinking Spring, PA 19608. If you are able to donate food or drinks, please sign up at the candle stand.

2019.08.18: Flooring Project Photos

Before and after photos of the hardwood floor refinishing and carpeting project are available on Flickr.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project!

2019.08.18: Sunday School Survey

A survey is being conducted to determine the Sunday school classes and materials for the upcoming school year. If you have children ages 4-12 and are interested in Sunday school, please complete this survey by August 23, 2019. Thank you!

2019.06.25: Hardwood Floor Project

Our parish is undertaking another maintenance project this summer. The hardwood floors in the church will be sanded and refinished. The work will begin on Monday, July 15, 2019.

To complete this project, the church will be closed for services on Sunday, July 21, 2019. Services will resume on Sunday, July 28, 2019.

We are currently asking for donations for this project. For those who cannot make it to church but would like to contribute, donations can be mailed or sent through the website (a small transaction fee is charged to the church). Thank you!

2019.06.18: Atlantic States Deanery Gathering

The next gathering of the Patriarchal Parishes Atlantic States Deanery will be held on Saturday, June 22, 2019, at St. Nicholas Church in Chester, PA:

  • 10:00 a.m. - Divine Liturgy
  • Following Liturgy - Luncheon hosted by the parish and the Deanery meeting
2019.06.17: Pentecost Photos
Some photos from Liturgy on the feast of Pentecost are available on Flickr:
2019.06.10: Pentecost/Trinity Sunday

Please join us for Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. on Pentecost/Trinity Sunday (June 16, 2019), followed immediately by Vespers with Kneeling Prayers. A fundraiser luncheon will be held after the services.

2019.05.06: Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends Fundraiser

Our parish is participating again in the annual Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends fundraiser. The shopping passes are $5 and are good for 25% off almost all purchases made on Wednesday, October 16, 2019, at all Boscov’s locations. If you would like to purchase a discount shopping pass or help sell them, please see Jean Salaneck.

2019.04.29: Holy Week and Pascha Photos

Photos from Holy Week and Pascha are available on Flickr:

2019.04.21: The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem Photos

Photos from Liturgy today on the feast of The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem are available on Flickr:

2019.04.15: Egg Hunt for Children

The egg hunt for children will be held on Sunday, May 5, 2019, in the church yard following Liturgy. Please see Daria Marusyak if you would like to help.

2019.04.13: Pascha Picnic

All are welcome to attend a picnic on Pascha starting at 2:00 p.m. at Breneman Park pavilion, 2914 Reedy Road, Sinking Spring, PA 19608. If you are able to donate food or drinks, please sign up at the candle stand. Volunteers are also needed to help with setup and cleanup. Please see Svitlana Breniser for more information.

2019.03.24: Bright Saturday Celebration

All are invited to attend Hierarchal Divine Liturgy and the centennial celebration of Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Baltimore, MD on Bright Saturday, May 4, 2019, starting at 9:30 a.m. Tickets for the reception must be purchased online.

2019.03.03: Forgiveness/Cheesefare Sunday

Please join us for Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. on Forgiveness/Cheesefare Sunday (March 10, 2019), followed immediately by Vespers with Rite of Forgiveness. A fundraiser luncheon will be held after the services. If you are able to help, please bring blini, cheese dishes, jams, etc.

2019.02.22: Letter from Fr. John Vass

Fr. John Vass, Dean of the Atlantic States, sent a letter to our parish regarding the recent deanery gathering that we hosted:

2019.02.19: Psalter Prayer Group

Our parish is organizing a Psalter prayer group again for Great Lent. If you have not participated in the past, this is how it works. Each person is assigned a different kathisma to start. Each person reads one kathisma each day in sequential order, along with opening and closing prayers and prayers for the living and departed. Between the group, the entire Psalter is read each day.

If you are interested in participating, please see Yelena Vdov. You will need to provide her with your baptismal name and 10 names for the prayer list (living or departed).

2019.02.19: Article on Atlantic States Deanery Gathering

A very nice article about the deanery gathering was published on the Patriarchal Parishes website:

2019.02.17: Atlantic States Deanery Gathering - More Photos

Photos from the Atlantic States Deanery gathering taken by Deacon Michael from Holy Trinity Church in Baltimore are available on Flickr.

Photos taken by Timothy Micek from Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Scranton are available here.

2019.02.16: Atlantic States Deanery Gathering Photos

Photos from the Atlantic States Deanery gathering hosted by our parish today are available on Flickr:

Thank you to everyone who contributed their time and efforts in making this a great event!

2019.01.20: Theophany and Children's Nativity Concert Photos

Photos from Theophany and the children's Nativity concert are available on Flickr:


Children's Nativity Concert

2019.01.19: Atlantic States Deanery Gathering

Our parish will be hosting the next gathering of the Patriarchal Parishes Atlantic States Deanery on Saturday, February 16, 2019:

  • 10:00 a.m. - Divine Liturgy
  • 11:45 a.m. - Luncheon in the church hall
  • 12:30 p.m. - Deanery meeting

Please make an effort to attend church this day and represent our parish!

To properly prepare for the luncheon, we are asking parishioners to please RSVP by February 8, 2019:

If you would like to help with the luncheon preparation, please see Yelena Vdov.

We are also asking for volunteers to help clean and prepare our parish on Friday, February 15, 2019.

2019.01.10: Nativity Concert

The children’s Nativity concert will be held on Sunday, January 13, 2019, following Divine Liturgy.

2019.01.09: Nativity Photos

Photos from the Nativity of Christ are available on Flickr:

Today's Calendar


St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
241-243 S. Third St.; Reading, PA 19602
Detailed Map


St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
241-243 South Third Street
Reading, PA 19602


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