St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
A Parish of the Moscow Patriarchate
Reading, Pennsylvania Founded in 1905
/ News / Archived News / 2022
2022.12.22: Nativity Celebration

Please join us to celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ!

  • Saturday, January 7, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. - Divine Liturgy. Confessions will be heard from 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
  • Luncheon: A potluck luncheon will be held after Liturgy. Please come and enjoy some good food and fellowship! If you would like to bring food or drinks, please sign up here.
  • Children’s Nativity concert: The children’s Nativity concert will be held after Liturgy. If you have any questions, please see Svitlana Breniser or Irena Kaulback.
2022.12.22: Butter Braid Fundraiser

Our parish is selling Butter Braid pastries for $15 to raise funds for the roof replacement project. Orders can be placed here through January 15, 2023. The pastries can be picked up at the church on or after January 29, 2023. The pastries will be frozen. Please share this fundraiser with family and friends! If you have any questions, please see Anastasia Lutcza.

2022.12.22: Church Cleaning Schedule

Update - Church cleaning schedule: The church cleaning schedule for the first half of 2023 is available here. A cleaning list and other helpful information is also available for those volunteering.

2022.12.22: St. Nicholas Celebration Photos

Photos from the celebration of our Patronal Feast Day are available on Flickr.

2022.12.20: Psalter Prayer Group

If you are interested in joining the Psalter prayer group, please see Svitlana Breniser by Saturday, December 24, 2022.

2022.12.12: Update - St. Nicholas Celebration

Please join us to celebrate our Patronal Feast Day!

  • Saturday, December 17, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. - General church cleaning to prepare for our Patronal Feast Day. All volunteers are welcome.
  • Sunday, December 18, 2022, following Liturgy - Fundraiser luncheon. Please come and enjoy some good food and fellowship! If you are interested in helping, please see Yelena Vdov.
  • During the luncheon on Sunday, December 18, 2022, treats will be given to all the children. If your children will be at the luncheon, please see Anastasia Lutcza.
2022.12.12: Calendars and Offering Envelopes

Calendars and offering envelopes for 2023 are available at the candle stand.

2022.12.12: Update - Building Fund

A total of over $16,000 has been raised through donations and fundraising for the building fund. Thank you to everyone who contributed toward this effort! A significant project in the future will be the church roof replacement with preliminary estimates of $26,000-$39,000. Please consider donating to the building fund to help us reach this goal. To donate specifically to this fund, please use the special blue envelopes that are available at the candle stand or otherwise designate your donation accordingly.

2022.11.30: St. Nicholas Celebration

Please join us to celebrate our Patronal Feast Day!

  • Saturday, December 17, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. - General church cleaning to prepare for our Patronal Feast Day. All volunteers are welcome.
  • Sunday, December 18, 2022, following Liturgy - Fundraiser luncheon
2022.11.30: Charity Activity

Our parish is collecting items for Mary’s Shelter, a charitable organization in Reading. The list of needed items is here. A collection bin will be in the church hall through Sunday, December 18, 2022.

2022.11.26: RaiseRight Fundraiser

Gift card orders through the RaiseRight fundraiser program will be taken Sunday, November 27, 2022 through Sunday, December 11, 2022, during coffee hour. Gift cards will be distributed on Sunday, December 18, 2022. The full list of current retailers and rebates is available here. Cash or checks only, please.

This is how the program works: Our parish purchases gift cards at a discount, sells them at face value, and then keeps the difference. For example, our parish purchases a $100 grocery store gift card at a discount for $95, a parishioner purchases the gift card for $100, and our parish keeps the $5 difference. The gift cards can be purchased for gifts or everyday purchases such as groceries, gas, and restaurants.

2022.11.15: Luncheon

A luncheon will be held this Sunday, November 20, 2022, following Liturgy. Please come and enjoy some good food and fellowship! If you are interested in helping, please see Yelena Vdov.

2022.10.21: Church Cleaning

The general church cleaning has been rescheduled from October 22, 2022, to October 29, 2022.

2022.09.29: Memorial Meal

On Sunday, October 2, 2022, following Liturgy, everyone is invited to a memorial meal in the church hall hosted by Valentina Sofillas for the newly departed Rostislav.

2022.09.17: Psalter Prayer Group

If you are interested in joining the Psalter prayer group, please see Svitlana Breniser.

2022.09.03: Building Fund Fundraiser

Oleksii Zavalov was able to raise $500 for the roof project through his fundraising efforts. On Sunday, August 28, 2022, Oleksii Zavalov presented the church with a $500 check. Thank you Oleksii for taking the initiative and supporting the church!

2022.09.03: Update - Building Fund

A total of over $15,000 has been raised through donations and fundraising for the building fund. Thank you to everyone who contributed toward this effort! A significant project in the future will be the church roof replacement with preliminary estimates of $26,000-$39,000. Please consider donating to the building fund to help us reach this goal. To donate specifically to this fund, please use the special blue envelopes that are available at the candle stand or otherwise designate your donation accordingly.

2022.09.03: Online Candle Stand

Candles and vigil lights can now be ordered online to be lit at the next service.

2022.09.03: Online Donations

A friendly reminder that one-time or recurring donations to the church can be made online. The recurring option is a convenient way to donate and also helps to better plan our budget.

2022.08.19: Church Cleaning

A general church cleaning will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2022, starting at 9:00 a.m. All volunteers are welcome.

2022.08.19: Picnic

A church picnic will be held following Liturgy on Sunday, September 25, 2022, at Breneman Park pavilion, 2914 Reedy Road, Sinking Spring, PA 19608. If you would like to bring food or drinks, please sign up here.

2022.07.28: Coffee Hour Fundraiser

An iced coffee fundraiser will be held on Sunday, July 31, 2022, after Liturgy to support the roof replacement project. Please come support our parish, and enjoy a cold treat!

2022.07.01: Peanut Fundraiser

Our parish is selling Texas Roadhouse peanuts for $4 a bag to raise funds for the roof replacement project. If you are interested in purchasing the peanuts or helping to sell the peanuts, please see Anastasia Salaneck.

2022.06.17: Church Cleaning Schedule

The church cleaning schedule for the second half of 2022 is available here. A cleaning list and other helpful information is also available for those volunteering.

2022.06.05: Sermon

Here is the English version of the sermon by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh that Fr. Sylvester had read in Russian today:

2022.06.05: Update - Building Fund

A total of over $13,000 has been raised through donations and fundraising for the building fund. Thank you to everyone who contributed toward this effort! A significant project in the future will be the church roof replacement with preliminary estimates of $26,000-$39,000. Please consider donating to the building fund to help us reach this goal. To donate specifically to this fund, please use the special blue envelopes that are available at the candle stand or otherwise designate your donation accordingly.

2022.06.05: Save the Date - Picnic

A church picnic will be held following Liturgy on Sunday, September 25, 2022, at Breneman Park pavilion, 2914 Reedy Road, Sinking Spring, PA 19608. More details to come.

2022.05.26: Church Cleaning Schedule

The church cleaning schedule is being organized for July through December. If you are interested in volunteering to clean the church, please reply to this email or see Alexandra Salaneck.

2022.05.15: St. Nicholas Day

Please join us to celebrate the minor feast day of our patron saint on Sunday, May 22, 2022, Feast of the Translation of the Relics of St. Nicholas from Myra to Bari:

  • 8:30 a.m. - Akaphist to St. Nicholas
  • 9:00 a.m. - Divine Liturgy
  • Following Liturgy - Potluck luncheon. Please sign up here.
2022.05.15: Update - RaiseRight fundraiser (formerly ShopWithScrip)

Gift card orders through the RaiseRight fundraiser program will be taken on Sunday, May 22, 2022, during coffee hour. This is how the program works: Our parish purchases gift cards at a discount, sells them at face value, and then keeps the difference. For example, our parish purchases a $100 grocery store gift card at a discount for $95, a parishioner purchases the gift card for $100, and our parish keeps the $5 difference. The gift cards can be purchased for gifts or everyday purchases such as groceries, gas, and restaurants. The full list of current retailers and rebates is available here. Cash or check only, please.

2022.05.14: Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends Fundraiser

Our parish is participating again in the annual Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends fundraiser. The shopping passes are $5 and are good for 25% off almost all purchases made on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at all Boscov’s locations. Our church keeps 100% of the shopping pass proceeds. If you would like to purchase a discount shopping pass or help sell them, please see Jean Salaneck.

2022.04.25: 🍽️ Fundraiser Luncheon

A fundraiser luncheon will be held on Sunday, May 1, 2022, after Liturgy. Please make an effort to come and support our parish, and to enjoy some good food and fellowship! Invite your friends and family, too! Takeout is also available.

2022.04.25: Egg Hunt for Children

The egg hunt for children will be held on Sunday, May 1, 2022, in the church yard following Liturgy.

2022.04.16: Holy Week and Pascha Schedule

The schedule of services for Holy Week and Pascha is available here.

2022.04.10: 🛍️ ShopWithScrip Fundraiser

Gift card orders through the ShopWithScrip fundraiser program will be taken on Sunday, May 15, 2022, during coffee hour. This is how the program works: Our parish purchases gift cards at a discount, sells them at face value, and then keeps the difference. For example, our parish purchases a $100 grocery store gift card at a discount for $95, a parishioner purchases the gift card for $100, and our parish keeps the $5 difference. The gift cards can be purchased for gifts or everyday purchases such as groceries, gas, and restaurants. The full list of current retailers and rebates is available here.

2022.04.10:🔨 Building Fund Update

A total of over $11,000 has been raised through donations and fundraising for the building fund. Thank you to everyone who contributed toward this effort! A significant project in the future will be the church roof replacement with preliminary estimates of $26,000-$39,000. Please consider donating to the building fund to help us reach this goal. To donate specifically to this fund, please use the special blue envelopes that are available at the candle stand or otherwise designate your donation accordingly.

2022.04.10: 🍽️ Fundraiser Luncheon

A fundraiser luncheon will be held on Sunday, April 17, 2022, after Liturgy. Please make an effort to come and support our parish, and to enjoy some good food and fellowship! Invite your friends and family, too! Takeout is also available.

2022.03.12: Service Cancellation

Due to the inclement weather, Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 13, 2022, is cancelled.

2022.03.09: Psalter Prayer Group

If you are interested in joining the Psalter prayer group, please see Svitlana Breniser.

2022.03.04:🚶‍♂️Update - Walk

We are happy to announce that Oleksii's initiative #WalkForLife joined to support the St. Nicholas roof fundraising. Last Sunday, Oleksii organized his first fundraising walk in Riverfront Park near the church after the liturgy. Some parishioners joined him. This initiative raised $80 for the roof repair project. Thank you all who participated. If you want to donate for the roof project, please reach out to Oleksii next Sunday. See you next time for the next WalkForLife. Please subscribe to Oleksii's channel: With best regards, Oleksii.

2022.02.22: 🍽️ Fundraiser Luncheons

A fundraiser luncheon is scheduled for Sunday, March 6, 2022, (Cheesefare/Forgiveness Sunday) after Liturgy. The luncheon will be hosted and prepared by the Billis, Drobot, and Marusyak families. Please make an effort to come and support our parish, and to enjoy some good food and fellowship! Invite your friends and family, too!

Fundraiser luncheons are tentatively scheduled for these Sundays after Liturgy. We are currently looking for volunteers (one or two families for a Sunday) to host and prepare luncheons on these days. If you are interested in volunteering and would like to sign up for one of these dates, please email us.

  • April 17, 2022 (Palm Sunday)
  • May 15, 2022
  • June 5, 2022
  • July 17, 2022
  • August 7, 2022
  • September 18, 2022

Everyone is invited to take a walk to a nearby park next Sunday, February 27, 2022, after Liturgy. If you are interested, please see the Zavalov family after the service.

2022.02.10: 🧹 Church Cleaning Schedule

The church cleaning schedule is available here. A cleaning list and other helpful information is also available for those volunteering.

2022.02.10: 🛍️ ShopWithScrip Fundraiser

Gift card orders through the ShopWithScrip fundraiser program will be taken on Sunday, February 20, 2022, during coffee hour. This is how the program works: Our parish purchases gift cards at a discount, sells them at face value, and then keeps the difference. For example, our parish purchases a $100 grocery store gift card at a discount for $95, a parishioner purchases the gift card for $100, and our parish keeps the $5 difference. The gift cards can be purchased for gifts or everyday purchases such as groceries, gas, and restaurants. The full list of current retailers and rebates is available here.

2022.01.17: Children's Nativity Concert

Sharing some photos from the children's Nativity concert.

(4 images)

2022.01.08: Inclement Weather

Due to the expected freezing rain, Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 9, 2022, is cancelled. Stay safe, and have a blessed Holy Days.

2022.01.08: Update - Children’s Nativity Concert

The children’s Nativity concert and potluck luncheon are postponed until Sunday, January 16, 2022, following Liturgy.

2022.01.04: Children’s Nativity Concert

Please join us for the children's Nativity concert and potluck luncheon on Sunday, January 9, 2022, following Liturgy.

Today's Calendar


St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
241-243 S. Third St.; Reading, PA 19602
Detailed Map


St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
241-243 South Third Street
Reading, PA 19602


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