Sunday school lessons are held each Sunday from September through May. For more information about the Sunday school program, please see Anastasia Salaneck.
- Ages 4-6: The lessons follow the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Department of Religious Education’s workbook “Happy With God.” Aspects of worship and stories from scripture highlight specific examples of and reasons for joy centered on Christ.
- Ages 7-8: The lessons follow the Orthodox Christian Education Commission’s workbook “We Worship God in Church.” This program features the first complete introduction to the Divine Liturgy for the primary age child. Lessons are supplemented by Bible story materials to help illustrate liturgical themes and concepts.
- Ages 9-10: The lessons follow the Orthodox Christian Education Commission’s workbook “Jesus, The Promise of God.” The lessons are based on the events and teachings in the life of Christ.
To ensure productive lessons and a successful Sunday school program, we hope that the following guidelines can be followed:
1. Children who are not participating in the lessons should not be left unattended downstairs when classes are held.
2. The role of teachers is to provide instruction and establish discipline during lessons. Parents who are not volunteering to teach the lesson should avoid interrupting the lesson.
3. If a child misses a lesson, the parents are responsible for ensuring that the child makes up the lesson.