St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
A Parish of the Moscow Patriarchate
Reading, Pennsylvania Founded in 1905
/ News / Archived News / 2020
2020.12.24: Reopening

The church will be reopening on Sunday, December 27, 2020. Fr. Sylvester is doing better. While he fully recovers, Fr. Gregory Winksy is planning to serve for the next two Sundays.

2020.12.05: Temporary Closure

Services are cancelled until further notice due to COVID-19.

If you are able to help at this time, please continue to support our parish. Donations can be sent these ways:

  • Checks can be mailed to the church: St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, 241-243 South Third Street, Reading, PA 19602
  • Donations can be made online using a credit card or PayPal (a small transaction fee is charged to the church).
2020.09.17: Psalter Prayer Group

If you are interested in joining the Psalter prayer group, please see Svitlana Breniser.

2020.08.06: Memory Eternal!

On August 5, 2020, Edward Salaneck (twin brother of Ted) fell asleep in the Lord. Memory Eternal!

Ed was a dedicated parishioner and labored for the church in many ways throughout his life.

The funeral service will be held on Saturday, August 8, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. at the church. Please be considerate and wear a mask due to the coronavirus pandemic. There will be no viewing. The burial service will be held at approximately 11:30 a.m. at the church cemetery, which is located a couple miles from the church at Tyrone Avenue and Broadway Boulevard in Kenhorst. This address can be used for GPS: 1200 Broadway Boulevard, Reading, PA 19607.

2020.07.11: Psalter Prayer Group

If you are interested in joining the Psalter prayer group, please see Svitlana Breniser.

2020.06.09: AmazonSmile

AmazonSmile is now available in the Amazon Shopping app on iOS and Android mobile phones. Follow these instructions to turn on AmazonSmile.

  • Open the Amazon Shopping app on your device
  • Go into the main menu of the Amazon Shopping app and tap into 'Settings'
  • Tap 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process
  • If you do not have the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app, update your app. Click here for instructions.
2020.05.12: Movie Event

On Sunday May 17, 2020, at 3:00 p.m., a video meeting will be held to watch the children’s animated movie Peter and Fevronia. The movie is in Russian with English subtitles. Fr. Sylvester will join to share a short sermon on Saints Peter and Fevronia. After the movie, we will have a discussion and ask the children questions. Although this is a children’s movie, all are welcome to join. Please email us if you would like to join.

2020.05.06: Asking for Prayers

Please pray for our parishioner Edward Salaneck. He suffered a stroke and is at the Reading Hospital. No visitors are currently allowed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

2020.04.29: Building Fund

As mentioned in February, a separate building fund was established for building maintenance projects. If you would like to donate specifically to this fund, please use the special blue building fund offering envelopes that are available at the candle stand or otherwise designate your donation accordingly.

2020.04.08: Prayer List

Please continue to remember our healthcare workers and first responders in your daily prayers. The prayer list has been updated. Please email us with any additional names of parishioners, relatives, or friends who are healthcare workers, and the list will be updated.

2020.03.30: Donations

With attendance being low due to the coronavirus pandemic, our parish's regular financial support has been affected. Please keep in mind that our parish still has utilities and ongoing expenses to pay. If you are able to help at this time, please continue to support our parish. Donations can be sent these ways:

  • Checks can be mailed to the church: St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, 241-243 South Third Street, Reading, PA 19602
  • Donations can be made online using a credit card or PayPal (a small transaction fee is charged to the church).
2020.03.30: AmazonSmile

A friendly reminder that using AmazonSmile supports our parish.

2020.03.30: Spiritual Reading

If you are looking for some additional spiritual reading at this time, Fr. Sylvester recommends St. Silouan the Athonite by Archimandrite Sophrony.

2020.03.30: Prayer List

Please remember our healthcare workers and first responders in your daily prayers using this prayer list. Please email us with any additional names of parishioners, relatives, or friends who are healthcare workers, and the list will be updated.

2020.03.24: Service Schedule

Bishop Matthew has given a directive for the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA to follow the coronavirus related regulations enforced by local or state authorities including any orders banning or limiting the maximum number of individuals in gatherings. Please continue to check your email for any service schedule updates.

2020.03.24: Psalter Prayer Group

If you did not initially sign up for the Psalter prayer group for Great Lent but are now interested, please email us. If there is enough interest, another group can be organized.

2020.03.24: Akaphists

As Fr. Sylvester mentioned on Sunday after Liturgy, we should all strengthen our prayers during this difficult time. These Akaphists can be read at home:

Akaphist to the Divine Passion of Christ (English)

Akaphist to the Divine Passion of Christ (Russian)

Akaphist to Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos (English)

Akaphist to Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos (Russian)

2020.03.19: Rules Adopted by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Concerning the Coronavirus

The document was approved by the decision of the Holy Synod of March 17, 2020 (Journal № 30).

For the sake of pastoral care of individuals, as well as in response to the request of the sanitary authorities, while maintaining strong faith in God's Good Providence and in Divine Omnipotence, the following rules are adopted, taking into account the canonical and liturgical Traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Up until the epidemiological situation improves and appropriate instructions from diocesan administration on the full or partial termination of these instructions are received, the following regulations must be abided in parish churches, Patriarchal Parishes, Hierarchal & monastic metochions, as well as in diocesan monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Concerning the Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ

1. Bearing in mind that the offering of the Bloodless Sacrifice should never be cancelled in any case, because where there is no Eucharist, there is no Church life, and also that the Holy Body and Blood of Christ are partaken for the health of both soul and body (see, for example, the prayers of St. John Chrysostom, the 7th and 9th of the prayers before Holy Communion), taking into account, however, the historical practice of the Orthodox Church in the conditions of epidemics[1]— to distribute the Holy Mysteries of Christ and wipe the spoon with an alcohol-soaked cloth after each communicant (with regular changing of the solution) and then dipping it in water (with subsequent disposal of water according to the practice when washing the Communion Cloths).
2. Zapivka shall be prepared individually for each communicant in a disposable cup.
3. Disposable sanitary gloves should be used to distribute the antidoron.
4. Use the Communion Cloths for the Communion of the laity only to protect the Holy Mysteries from possibly falling on the floor and for wiping the Spoon. Paper napkins should be used to wipe the mouths of each communicant and should be subsequently burned. The Communion Cloths should be boiled and washed with due reverence after each liturgical use.
5. Communicants should refrain from kissing the Chalice.

Concerning the serving of the Sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation

6. Strictly adhere to the practice of changing and blessing water for each individual case. In this regard, the Sacrament of Baptism is to be performed only individually with intermediate disinfection (wiping) of the font (baptistery) with disinfectant liquid (the list of recommended liquids is attached).
7. For Holy Unction, as well as the anointing with oil, use a cotton swab (instead of a brush) and a paper napkin (instead of a sponge) followed by burning.

Concerning the serving of the Sacrament of Holy Unction

8. While serving “mass Holy Unction”, that is, the anointing of the sick in the churches, use a disposable brush (for example, cotton swabs), followed by burning for each parishioner individually.

Other instructions regarding the performance of services, pastoral practice, and parish life

9. Instead of presenting the Cross for veneration at the end of the Divine Liturgy and other services, it is recommended to place the Cross on the heads of parishioners.
10. Returning to the practice prescribed by the rubrics, which has undergone change in recent years, anointing at the All-Night Vigil is appointed only in cases when the Litiya and the blessing of oil are served. When the anointing is appropriate, use a single-use brush (for example, a cotton swab) for each parishioner separately with subsequent disposal. In all other cases, venerate the Holy Gospel or feastal icon (or Cross) after the polyeleos and receive a blessing by the priest. Wipe the Gospel and the icon (or Cross) after each individual using a disinfectant solution.
11. Clergy are advised to refrain from offering their hands for kissing.
12. Use disposable gloves to distribute the prosphora and the blessed bread at the All-Night Vigil.
13. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of items and liturgical vessels, sanitizing them after each liturgical use and thoroughly washing them with boiling water.
14. Suspend the work of Sunday schools, as well as parish groups and organizations, until further notice.
15. If possible, the social services of parishes, monasteries and metochions should help elderly parishioners at risk to deliver food and essential goods to their homes.

General Instructions

16. Rectors, Abbots & Abbesses should instruct parish, monastery and metochion staff to strictly observe general hygiene measures, including hand disinfection during the day (at least once every 2 hours).
17. Provide frequent airing of churches, as well as public buildings on parish and monastery complexes, setting a mandatory schedule for airing.
18. Regularly disinfect the surfaces of common touched areas (including places for writing commemorations, candle desks, etc.), as well as door handles.
19. Regularly disinfect icons in the church that parishioners regularly venerate.
20. Clergymen and parish, monastery and metochion staff should be responsible and attentive to their well-being. If one feels unwell, immediately inform the Rector and seek medical help.
21. Rectors and Abbots & Abbesses are required to measure the temperature before the start of the working day (for example, using a non-contact thermometer) for priests, clergy, and church staff who interact with a large number of parishioners.
22. Explain to parishioners that the implementation of the imposed regulations and restrictions should be perceived as following the words of the Holy Scripture: "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." (Matt. 4:7). Also explain to the parishioners that in case of symptoms of the flu or other infectious diseases, they should refrain from visiting churches for the sake of love for their neighbors and care for them.


The following solutions are recommended for sanitary treatment:

  • products based on tertiary amides (for example, Evoline-4D);
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • 70% isopropyl alcohol (for example, Septolite antiseptic);
  • 75% ethyl alcohol;
  • chlorine-containing preparations (for cleaning rooms).

Press Service of Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia

[1] in particular: Communion of patients with infectious diseases after other communicants (or even at a separate service) with wiping after each communicant with a cloth and then burning it; the use of a separate Chalice and the Spoon for patients; washing them in vinegar and pouring it into a dry well (see S. V. Bulgakov. Handbook for Church Servers; Pidalion with the interpretations of the monk Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain - on rule VI.28).

2020.03.19: Statement Issued by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Coronavirus Situation

This document was adopted at a session of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on March 11, 2020.

The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has been following with concern the spread of the coronavirus infection throughout the world and its consequences for millions of people, many of whom not only face the threat of infection, but are also experiencing social and economic consequences therefrom.

Members of the Holy Synod express their condolences to the families and friends of the victims of this disease in China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and other countries (including the U.S. and Canada ‒ ed.).

Blessed before the Lord are the works of doctors and volunteers who develop and implement medical and preventive measures aimed at helping patients and stopping the further spread of the disease.

In times of epidemics, the Russian Orthodox Church always carried out Her witness ministry, without refusing anyone spiritual nourishment and full participation in Her Sacraments. We encourage people to exercise restraint, keep a clear head, and maintain prayerful calm. We call attention to the fact that a believer should not succumb to panic and fears associated with the spread of unverified information regarding the infection.

At the same time, it is unacceptable to take the coronavirus infection lightly, neglect medical prescriptions, ignore preventive measures, or risk the infection of oneself and others.

The Holy Synod considers it important to observe sanitary and hygienic preventive measures in a consistent and rigorous way in the parishes and monasteries, especially in those regions where the epidemiological situation is officially elevated, including the wider use of sanitary solutions for the disinfection of icon cases, which believers venerate, and disposable cups for zapivka.

If the coronavirus infection spreads in a specific region, additional preventative measures may be taken in consultation with the Hierarchy. The Holy Synod encourages the archpastors, pastors, monks, and laity of the Russian Orthodox Church to intensify their prayers for overcoming the disease and for the bestowal of strength on the doctors who are fighting it.


Документ принят на заседании Священного Синода Русской Православной Церкви 11 марта 2020 года.

Священный Синод Русской Православной Церкви с обеспокоенностью воспринимает распространение в мире коронавирусной инфекции и ея последствия для миллионов людей, многие из которых оказались не только перед угрозой заражения, но и испытали на себе социально-экономические последствия этого явления.

Члены Священного Синода выражают соболезнования родным и близким жертв этой болезни в Китае, Южной Корее, Иране, Италии, Франции, Германии, Испании и в других государствах (в том числе США и Канаде ‒ ред.).

Благословенными перед Господом являются труды врачей и добровольцев, которые разрабатывают и реализуют медицинские и профилактические меры, направленные на помощь больным и предотвращение дальнейшего распространения болезни.

Во времена эпидемий Русская Православная Церковь всегда несла свое свидетельское служение, не отказывая никому в духовном окормлении и полноценном участии в Ея Таинствах. Мы призываем к сдержанности, сохранению трезвомыслия и молитвенного спокойствия, обращаем внимание на то, что верующему человеку не следует поддаваться панике и страхам, связанным с распространением непроверенной информации об инфекции.

Вместе с тем, недопустимо легкомысленно относиться к коронавирусной инфекции, пренебрегать врачебными предписаниями, игнорировать профилактические меры, подвергая опасности заражения себя и окружающих.

Священный Синод считает важным последовательное и неукоснительное соблюдение санитарно-гигиенических мер профилактического характера на приходах и в монастырях, особенно в тех регионах, где эпидемиологическая обстановка официально признана тяжелой, в том числе более широкое применение санитарных растворов для дезинфекции кивотов икон, к которым прикладываются верующие, использование одноразовых стаканчиков для запивки.

В случае распространения в конкретном регионе коронавирусной инфекции могут быть по согласованию со Священноначалием применены дополнительные профилактические меры.
Священный Синод призывает архипастырей, пастырей, монашествующих и мирян Русской Православной Церкви к усиленной молитве о преодолении болезни и о даровании сил борющимся с нею врачам.

2020.03.17: Atlantic States Deanery Gathering

Our parish will be hosting the next gathering of the Patriarchal Parishes Atlantic States Deanery on Saturday, May 30, 2020 (rescheduled from June 13, 2020). More details to come.

2020.03.17: Service Schedule

As of now, services will continue to be held as scheduled. Please check your email for any changes due to the coronavirus pandemic.

2020.03.17: Special Prayer

Here is a special prayer in time of devastating and death-bearing pestilence that can be read daily. A PDF version is also available here.

2020.03.13: Statement of Bishop Matthew of Sourozh Concerning the Spread of Coronavirus

Bishop Matthew issued an archpastoral letter concerning the spread of the coronavirus, including these statements:

  • It is blessed to use disposable cups at zapivka after Holy Communion.
  • It is not obligatory to kiss the Priest’s hand when receiving a blessing.
  • It is recommended for the time being to make use of general confession, except in cases of special need and by prior arrangement with the Priest.
  • Bishop Matthew urges us to comply with all recommendations and orders of the authorities and strictly implement the relevant directives aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus.

Please see these additional announcements related to our parish:

  • Please do not come to church if you are experiencing any symptoms or have been in contact with ill individuals. Arrangements can be made if a Priest is needed.
  • The analogion Icons will be disinfected more frequently.
  • Non-liturgical activities will be canceled or postponed if possible. For example, Sunday school will be cancelled for the time being. Also, the IOCC charitable activity scheduled for this Sunday will be postponed to a later date.
  • Finally, and most importantly, please continue praying for God’s mercy at this time.
2020.02.27: Atlantic States Deanery Gathering

Our parish will be hosting the next gathering of the Patriarchal Parishes Atlantic States Deanery on Saturday, June 13, 2020. More details to come.

2020.02.20: Building Fund

A separate building fund is being established for building maintenance projects. If you would like to donate specifically to this fund, please use the special building fund offering envelopes that will soon be available at the candle stand or otherwise designate your donation accordingly.

2020.02.11: IOCC Charitable Activity

Our parish will be assembling and sending school kits to the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) organization. Our goal is to send 60 kits. See the School Kit Checklist for details on which items are needed.

If you are able to purchase and donate items for the kits, please sign up here. A volunteer may sign up for more than one slot. If you sign up, please bring your items to church no later than Sunday, March 8, 2020. The kits will be assembled after Liturgy on March 15, 2020.

Thank you for your participation in this charitable activity!

2020.02.02: Pascha Picnic Survey

To help plan for the Pascha picnic, we are asking parishioners to please complete this survey.

2020.02.02: Cheesefare/Maslenitsa Luncheon

On Sunday, March 1, 2020, a potluck luncheon will be held. Please sign up at the candle stand if you are able to donate food (blini, cheese dishes, etc.) or drinks.

2020.02.02: Psalter Prayer Group

If you are interested in participating in the Psalter prayer group for Great Lent, please see Svitlana Breniser. You will need to provide her with your baptismal name and 10 names for the prayer list (living or departed).

2020.02.02: Fundraiser Luncheons

Fundraiser luncheons are scheduled for the following Sundays following Liturgy:

  • February 9, 2020
  • March 8, 2020

Please make an effort to come and support our parish, and to enjoy some good food and fellowship! Invite your friends and family, too! If you are interested in volunteering to host the luncheon on April 12, 2020 (Palm Sunday), please email us.

2020.01.19: Children’s Nativity Concert and Theophany Photos

Photos from the children’s Nativity concert and Theophany are available on Flickr:

Children’s Nativity Concert


2020.01.15: Atlantic States Deanery Gathering

The next gathering of the Patriarchal Parishes Atlantic States Deanery will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020, at St. Michael the Archangel Church in Philadelphia.

  • 10:00 a.m. - Divine Liturgy
  • Following Liturgy - Luncheon hosted by the parish and the Deanery meeting
2020.01.09: Nativity Photos

Photos from the Nativity of Christ are available on Flickr:

Today's Calendar


St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
241-243 S. Third St.; Reading, PA 19602
Detailed Map


St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church
241-243 South Third Street
Reading, PA 19602


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